Crazed Fruit

Crazed Fruit
  • 5月30日(金), 8:30 p.m. ドイツ映画博物館内上映ホール
  • Julian Rossによる作品紹介
  • Kurutta kajitsu
  • Japan 1956, 35mm, 86 min, Japanese with English subtitles
  • 監督:中平康
  • 小説・脚本:石原慎太郎
  • Camera: Shigeyoshi MINE
  • Music: Masaru SATO, Toru TAKEMITSU
  • World Sales: Nikkatsu Corporation
  • Actors: Yujiro ISHIHARA, Masahiko TSUGAWA, Mie KITAHARA, Masumi OKADA, Eiko HIGASHIYA

“In the rip of a woman’s skirt and the buzz of a motorboat, sensitive people heard the heralding of a new generation of Japanese film.” These were the words that Nagisa OSHIMA used to voice his admiration for CRAZED FRUIT, Ko NAKAHIRA's film that brought about the dawn of the sun tribe genre. Adapted from a controversial novel by Shintaro ISHIHARA, the now ex-governor of Tokyo, the film depicts a lurid story of sex and angst among a generation of disillusioned youth. Francois Truffaut praised Japan's response to REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE (1955) for breaking ground for cinema to come.

協賛: ケルン日本文化会館、国際交流基金
Japanisches Kulturinstitut
