
Kendo workshop for kids
  • 5月29日(木), 3:30 p.m. ムゾーン塔 スタジオ3
  • 対象: 6歳以上の子供

剣道の歴史と竹刀に触れてみませんか? ワークショップの終わりには、剣道着と写真を撮っていただけます。

After the great success at the last festival we would like to present again the old martial art of kendo (Japanese swordfighting) and learn some techniques. Learn about the history of the samurai, hold a real sword in your hand and exercise with a bamboo stick. At the end of the workshop, you will become a samurai and have your picture taken in an authentic kendo armor.

Agentur Tenjikai e.K., Gartenstraße 4, 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany, www.tenjikai.de
