講演「Film DNA: Drama, Nature, and Architecture of International Storytelling」

Film DNA: Drama, Nature, and Architecture of International Storytelling (David Nist)
  • デイヴィット・二スト氏による講演
  • 使用言語:英語
  • 入場無料
  • 5月30日(金), 6:00 p.m. ムゾーン塔 スタジオ1

日米の映画業界に通じる、デヴィッド・ニスト氏(作家、翻訳家)とともに『Shall we ダンス?』(1996)、『リング』(1998)『七人の侍』(1961)などを通して邦画の変遷をたどる。

DNA - Drama, nature, and architecture spark life into the flesh and bones of film. David Nist capitalizes on his experience in both the Japanese and American film industries to compare and contrast the artistic structures of Japanese storytelling and the Hollywood paradigm by examining films such as SHALL WE DANCE? (1996), RING (1998) and SEVEN SAMURAI (1961). While the culture as well as verbal and visual language may vary, insight into this universal “DNA” of film will broaden and enrich your experience.

In cooperation with Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy (JVTA)

